Friday, August 29, 2008


It's nights again.  2-11 again.  It's only been a week, but it already feels as if it's been a year.  I haven't had time to read.  I haven't had time to search for schools.  I've been focusing only on getting various parts of the house in practical functioning.  There is more than too much to do at work, and I feel overwhelmed.  It's all I can do not to let thoughts of unfinished business creep into my home time.  Especially at night, as I try to sleep.  Or first thing in the morning, when I want to plan my day. 

Even at home there's no peace, and I suspect there will be little for some time, as every task feels immediate, urgent, and just barely manageable.  I feel tired, run down, and it's the first week of the semester.  The only thing worse than the chaos is knowing it's not going to end for a long time.

What I miss most though is coming home from work, popping open a Corona, and cooking.  I think it was the best part of summer.  Cooking dinner foods first thing in the morning somehow lacks appeal, and I haven't sunk low enough to start drinking at 10am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think having a corona at 10 would be good for you.