Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 4

My first failed week.

Last week I continued on my 2 days per week, take it easy on my legs plan, and it was working fine. Over the weekend I thought that if I still felt good after Monday's run, I'd try to go back to 3 days per week.

Instead I was home sick Monday with some stomach issues, and I wasn't feeling it Tuesday or Wednesday. Wednesday night I hurt my knee bounding down the stairs, so I pushed it off until this morning, whereupon I decided bed was too warm.

Next week I have to kick it off strong or I'm in danger of falling out.

Damn. Sports do make you stupid. What the fuck does the above sentence even mean? I can't even imagine a scenario in which I can take myself seriously as those words, in that order, come out of my mouth.

Kick it.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Week 3 Day 1

I was bargaining with myself. Or debating. One or the other.
The debate was to run today or to run tomorrow and sleep in today. I mean, since I'm only going to do two days a week for the time being, why not do Tuesday and Friday to maximize the time between runs? On the other hand, if I keep my schedule of waking up early Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, even if I don't run on Wednesdays, it will be easier to integrate that third day when I'm ready.

Really what it came down to though was this: I didn't want to wake up early today.

I'm glad I did though. Today was the first time I had fun since day one. There was still soreness in my ankles, but not as much, and for the most part I was able to keep good form. I had also decided to halt my advancement down the Couch to 5K Chart, but instead of dutifully timing my jog times at 90 seconds, I decided to jog until I was uncomfortable, which felt more natural.

Each morning I go out it's closer to night time darkness. It's amazing how rapidly that change seems to happen when you witness it a few times a week. To the west was the nearly full moon and to the sun was below the horizon but coming quickly. It's night when I leave, day when I return. Cool all around.

Also, there's something about those shoes. The novelty's worn off by now, so they're not on my mind like they were two weeks ago. When I slip them on though something magical happens. It's like I've been granted super feet, my feet with super grip powers and super tough soles.

I don't know. I haven't had any coffee this morning and I'm beginning to realize that this post is a mess. But hey, for what it's worth, at least I didn't squeeze the Charmin.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Week 2

The Blue Zipper caught up on my writing about my attempt at running and offered me some advice which I could be sum up to be "slow down."
I wanted to heed this, but more-so, I wanted to just push myself on the self discipline front and not have to worry about injury, but after running Monday I knew that I had to change my plan up somehow. The muscles in my lower legs hurt too much and I was slowed to a shuffle. Having not ever really injured myself with a strain or a pull, I wasn't sure what the warning signs were and I didn't want to find out the hard way.

So Wednesday the Mistress and I went on an early morning walk instead. Much less strenuous and it kept me on my wake-up schedule.

Friday I ran again with modest success. My legs weren't happy, but they felt recharged compared to Monday, and it makes sense. So, my plan from here, I think, is to pause on the schedule where I am (90 seconds of running, 2 minutes of walking, alternated for 20 minutes) until my muscles build up in my calves, feet, and ankles.

Luckily the reign of blisters has ended.
I haven't given up yet.