Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Drive Me Backwards

"The waiting game sucks. Let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos." - Homer J. Simpson

Thanks to this lovely bit of internet over here, I can now keep tabs of who's heard from which programs and when. Of course, I could just not visit the site. Not torment myself with the knowledge that others have heard their good news while I sit here developing endurance in my thumb muscles. Oh, but see, that would require a modicum of will power, would it not?

My job is joyless enough that I'm committed to the idea of searching for another in the event that Calgon U fails to take me away. This, however, is a terrifying prospect. Finding a job was soul crushing enough three years ago. I shudder to think of the narrow window of opportunities available in these times o' plenty. More than not being able to find employment, I'm afraid of finding myself in the fire while yearning for the pot. What if I get out there and scrap my way into a job that's worse than this one? What if, worse still, I realize that the problem wasn't the job, it was the employee all along?

To stave off crippling self doubt I've been obsessing over the latest run of Battlestar Galactica episodes (phenomenal), and immersing myself in the post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland of Washington DC via Fallout 3 (also phenomenal). I'm also trying to read several books, but somehow, they're not getting their due love. Oh, and occasionally I'll go to work, where I'll marvel at the bizarre feeling I get in my head, the one where it feels as if the lights are intermittently, incrimentally dimming. But it's not just the lights, it's everything. I swear, I can feel the brain matter up there rotting from disuse.

It's not all doom and gloom in Camp Funk Muffington. This week is extra awesome as it contains only three working days. I'm taking Friday and Saturday off to serve as sidekick and freelance photographer for Stankfoot at the New York Comic Con.  I've never been to one of these and I have no idea what I'm in for, but I'm excited none the less.

Also, plane tickets and hotel reservations have been made, and the Dark Mistress will be accompanying me to California for a conference in April! Work picks up my bill (knock it all I want, the perks do rock), and the bonus is, we're staying the whole week so we'll get a chance to hang with the Queen of Kickassery herself, Aunt Laurie!

That should sustain me through the next few months of work. But seriously, someone freaking accept me, please? I'm a nice guy! I bathe regularly!

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