Monday, April 21, 2008

Some Subtle Changes

I've had the hankering to make myself a blog title picture. I have tons of pictures I took with my digital camera, and I thought about playing with color and black and white, fading into color or away from it, etc. Just messing around. Well, there was some downtime the other day and I couldn't find the picture I was going to use (a macro shot of flowers), so I instead started messing around with the one you see above. I literally got frustrated and started randomly dragging the mouse around when I found an effect I liked.

Thus, the genesis of the pretentious image you see above. I changed the template colors to match, though I'm not sure how I feel about it. I worry about the readability. While the contrast is high, I find it's screwy sometimes to read a long time in white on black. If this ends up bothering anyone, let me know and I'll work something else out. Wuss.

1 comment:

Laurie Ann said...

I actually find the white on black easier than black on white for long (read: YOUR) blog posts.

Is that photo from the gap?