Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Good Times

Daytime hours now, and in my first week my supervisor an I have already laid out a plan for the summer.  It's important to start now because somehow it's true that if you let the first couple weeks slip by, you'll lose the whole summer.  Which you know, doesn't sound all bad.

Remember that project I'd been working on at work?  The one that ate April and most of March?  There was drama because I "took too long", which in fact is true.  I however wasn't given much guidance or any deadlines.  This happened to be part of our area supervisor's friend's pet project, so during my supervisor's meeting with our area supervisor, words were spoken about my disappointing performance.  My supervisor, though she may stress me out, has got my back and I should never forget that.  She did her best to remind her (and I) that there were things that could have happened better on both sides, and that we can all learn from this.  Disgustingly wholesome, I know, but it helped me get past being pissed. 

A little bit, anyway.

I have eleven vacation days to take before June 30th.  Hot cha!  I took the day off today because Dark Mistress, Stankfoot, Spanky, Zanzibar, and myself are going to Philly to see the Kids in the Hall.  We're going to check out South Street, eat a cheese steak, and take in the (hopefully still) funny boys of Canadian sketch comedy.

Tomorrow Stankfoot, Spanky, and I are going to be shirk responsibility for the day to hang out and play video games.  Then I've got work Friday, then the weekend.  How the hell can you complain about that? 

Good times.

1 comment:

Laurie Ann said...

I played Mario Kart until 2:30am last Saturday and it was Awesome.